Bluetooth-Headsets und Mikros

Savox RCR Sub-miniature Wireless Earpieces RCR-6 / RCR-7

RCR Sub-miniature Wireless Earpieces - Savox Ohrhörer

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Bluetooth-Headsets und Mikros : Savox RCR Sub-miniature Wireless Earpieces  RCR-6 / RCR-7 savox-rcr-sub-miniature-wireless-earpieces.jpg

Savox RCR Sub-miniature Wireless Earpieces RCR-6 / RCR-7

  • RCR Sub-miniature Wireless Earpieces
    Squelched (RCR5) and digital (RCR6)
    RCR-6 Sub Sub-miniature digital covert wireless earpiece - supplied with 6 x 10AE batteries and 15 x wax-traps and tool
    RCR-7 Sub Sub-miniature clarity interference free earpiece - supplied with 6 x 10AE batteries and 15 x wax-traps and tool
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